My Beautiful Mess!
It was my turn in front of the camera. I dislike having my picture taken. I still haven't dropped the baby weight.....from almost 5 years ago. My face looked like I just hit puberty, and my husband wasn't happy about missing the broncos game.
A long time photog friend of mine was taking my family's pictures. The wind was blowing like crazy and the sun was disappearing faster than my patience.
After about 20 frames my friend walked up to me and showed me some of the pictures that she captured. In my head I am like "OMG why can't my kids just sit and smile, it would be easier to get my dog to do this!"
I told her those are nice pictures, but I wanted a picture of us all looking at the camera and smiling.
What I call the "Christmas card picture". Ya know the one where you look like you have your stuff together and you have the perfect family.
My friend looked at me and said 'but you aren't the perfect family!?"
Why do you want to be photographed as something you aren't?
When she told me that, it hit me like a sack of bricks! I actually started to tear up. I realized I was so stressed out about being this PICTURE perfect family, that I was missing the silliness that my kids were providing us with.
Funny enough I always tell moms to just relax and smile. Let me get your kids attention and those cute smiles. I love capturing those silly moments. The giggles and the funniness.
I love the in between shots. I wasn't doing exactly what I tell people to do!
No family is perfect! Not even mine! We had a grand total of 100 images taken. I got my one Christmas card picture, but I am totally going to include the silly faced ones too!
Enjoy your family, have your pictures taken often, your kids get big way to fast and you may never be your pre baby size again. But that is okay, because you are not perfect! Love one another, and love beautiful messs!
Photo Credit goes to the talented Becky Young of Be Forever Young Photography.

My Christams Card Picture's 2014

This year I didn't go crazy coordinating outfits and driving to the perfect location.
We had our family pictures taken while on vacation at Lake McConaughy Nebraska back in August.
I took the picture of my girls. The one of my husband and I together was taken by our good friend Dave.
Thanks Dave for tolerating me and my direction ;)